by Virginia Elder | Oct 26, 2020 | Podcast
0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0048:35 17- Simplifying Mom-Life with Declutter Coach Kiera Malowitz Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSpotifyCastboxPocket CastsRadio...
by Virginia Elder | Oct 25, 2020 | Household
Let’s just be real for a sec, motherhood can get messy – like, physically. Seemingly, one day we get smacked with the realization that we can’t keep up with the laundry no matter how we try, we can’t remember the last time we could actually walk through the toy...
by Virginia Elder | Oct 19, 2020 | Podcast
0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0030:05 16- From Debt and Panic to Surviving, Now Thriving Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSpotifyCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTubeOvercastAmazonSubscribe via...
by Virginia Elder | Oct 12, 2020 | Health, Money
In every relationship, especially since opposites attract, there are conflicts & disagreements about how something should be done. A common point of contention in marriages has to do with money management in the household. As we explore the common rhetoric around...
by Virginia Elder | Oct 12, 2020 | Podcast
0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0053:37 15- Money & Relationships with Deise Clements Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSpotifyCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTubeOvercastAmazonSubscribe via...