Sustainable Entrepreneurship on Purpose | Andy Hill | Ep 32

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Time freedom is at the top of the wishlist for entrepreneurs, and Andy Hill of Marriage Kids and Money is no different. Interestingly enough, however, that desire manifests differently across every business owner’s journey.  

When Andy left corporate with a number in mind, he knew podcasting was his key to a joyful entrepreneurial journey, but didn’t necessarily have a plan to make money. After a few sponsors floated his direction and he built a solid reputation for great content, he started coaching and established his own products and services for sale. 

Along the way, he outsourced tasks that felt distracting, tedious, or frustrating, including podcast editing, social media, and graphic design. Andy’s favorite tools are Megaphone (by Spotify) for managing his podcast and ads and Asana for keeping tasks and contractors organized.  


From Hustle to Harmony: Andy Hill’s Business Insights   

([01:35]) Building a Business Around Podcasting 

([15:26]) Growing a Business with Intention 

([23:51]) Outsourcing for Business Success 

([40:07]) Maximizing Podcast Revenue with Dynamic Ads 

([49:45]) Long-Term Wealth Building Through Entrepreneurship 


Andy is most excited about his course, Make My Kid A Millionaire. Find it, along with his podcast, free resources, and plenty of amazing content on financial freedom, Coast FIRE, and family finances at 

Find Andy on YouTube at to learn what it’s like to be mortgage free, what the thought process is around it, and how to do it too! 


Connect with Virginia Elder: 

– Instagram: [@podcastabundance] (

– LinkedIn: Virginia Elder – 

– YouTube: [Reaching Abundance] 


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This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with me. (

If you run a 6 or 7 figure business and use your podcast as a marketing arm for your business, apply to be a guest on the show! (


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